The end of the summer paddling season is approaching but here’s the good news. LICCB’s affiliate Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club is preparing for their famous bacChANAL Party which will be held on Saturday October 3rd from 5-9 PM.
    Many of us have been there before and had a splendid time. It’s an outdoor street end block party with canoeing on the Gowanus Canal, live entertainment by the Red Hook Rambler,  quality BBQ once again catered by PJ Handley’s and lots more good stuff.
    LICCB volunteers will be helping again to manage the canoe dock and paddling. We’ll mix and mingle with our fellow Dredgers and Red Hook Boaters and other paddling friends from far and wide.
    Last year it was windy and rained yet the party was a well attended blast. Better weather is likely this year and I hope you’ll join in the fun. 
    Tickets are $25. in advance and the proceeds of tickets sold to Queens addresses will directly benefit LICCB. It is a FUNdraiser event after all so if you can spare some cash, please bring it along to bid on the vast array of auction items and buy tickets for raffles so everybody wins. The Gowanus Dredgers are on a mission to build a new boathouse and we share in their efforts to reconnect people with the estuary.
    Wear casual clothing and your river shoes. Event takes place rain (big tent) or shine at 165 Second Street, Brooklyn, NY  11231.  It’s an easy walk from the Carroll St. subway station (F or G train), or you can hook up with an LICCB driver and carpool there.
    Buy your tickets online to save money:
    Our LICCB party last winter was pretty good, but it didn’t have canoeing.
    Owen Foote says “Let’s Dredge” and he’ll be there this year to show us how it’s done in Brooklyn.