Greetings to all Friends of Long Island City Boathouse,
After a long cold snowy off season, we’re getting back to paddling again.  Many volunteers have already been quite busy–paddling the Bronx River, running walk up paddles at Baisley Pond and MacNeil Parks in eastern Queens–and participating in LIC at two workshops to sharpen their own skills and orient newcomers to our programs.
The Boathouse got a thorough spring cleaning thanks to a great bunch of volunteers from The Friends Seminary.  You can see photos of some of these activities on our website and FaceBook page.
Last Sunday was opening day at Hallets Cove.  The weather was overcast, cool and breezy yet 70 people enjoyed a paddle and a dozen volunteers enjoyed a nice round trip from the boathouse and back again.
After last year’s awesome season many volunteers suggested a relaxation of the fast pace at Hallets. The program has grown from just 3 or 4 boats just a few years ago to an average of nearly 20 boats on peak summer Sundays.  To prevent volunteer stress and burnout this season we’re going to focus on improving the quality of the experience for both public participants as well as volunteers.
This summer, the Hallets program will operate only on dates when tidal currents allow for paddling boats between the Anable Basin Boathouse and Hallets Cove.  Transporting so many boats over land when tides don’t work for us has just become too much work.
Eleven dates with favorable currents have been posted to the calendar.  Later in the season the program will operate on Saturdays to accommodate those for whom Sunday does not work.  This season, improving safety procedures and growing our volunteer base have priority, so that the program can continue to grow in a more sustainable way.
The newly elected Steering Council  created last December provides broader representation to the LICCB community and assists the Chair by sharing the workload of conducting boathouse business.
The SC recently invested hundreds of hours crafting an impressive proposal for funding which would enable LICCB to install a first rate boat launching capability at Anable Basin. The proposal calls for a much larger floating dock with accessible ramp and a hoist capable of launching and retrieving larger boats.
Our very generous supporter and landlord, Plaxall, Inc., fully endorses this proposal which will vastly improve the process of getting a group on and off the water.  We expect to hear a decision from the fund custodian Hudson River Foundation by end of June, and are optimistic for a favorable outcome.
The experience gained by the process of producing a grant application we expect to apply to future fundraising activities on a regular basis.
The SC has also made strides matching dates with a wide range of trip and event possibilities.  These will be posted to the the calendar as the details are ironed out.
Purchases of safety gear and other equipment are moving forward.  To enhance our programs even further, we are talking with other paddling groups to identify opportunities for our volunteers to improve their paddling and safety skills.
Plans are in the works for reciprocal paddles with these groups, where their members can join us for paddles on the East River and Newtown Creek, and we can paddle with them on other waters around NYC and beyond.
You can expect to learn details of many and varied opportunities in the coming weeks and throughout the summer.  Please check your email for a few monthly newsletters, come to the website often for weekly postings, and join our page on Facebook too.  Stay in touch!
This Memorial Day weekend promises some fine paddling weather.
Saturday’s North Brooklyn Flotilla is already full.  Two additional trips have just been posted for Sunday evening and Monday afternoon.  These trips are available for request at through midnight at the end of the day before.  Join us for one of those if you can, and check the calendar weekly for additional opportunities.
Friday Chill paddles will begin in June, City of Water day is July 16th and on July 28th LICCB will once again co-host Queens Green Drinks on the waterfront with Green Shores NYC.  New for this year, the NYC Water Trail Association will bring Blue Drinks into the mix. That should be one awesome Blue/Green evening in Long Island City!
The waters around us are very much alive and flourishing as water quality continues to improve, LICCB and dozens of organizations like it grow and thrive. The recently released NYC Vision 2020 reflects governments’ commitment to the ongoing restoration of our estuary and our access to it for paddling, rowing, sailing, even swimming.
Your participation in the Blue and Green movement is what drives it all.  Here’s wishing everyone the best summer yet!
Victoria Olson, Chair
Long Island City Community Boathouse